Bad Nazi, Good Nazi (PL / EN)
29.06.2023 - 20.00 / High Synagogue, ul. Józefa 38, Kraków (basement hall)dir. Chanoch Ze’evi, Germany, Israel, Poland, 2021, 65’
Part of “The Space of an Image. A Series of Films on Jewish Themes”
Discover the story of Wilm Hosenfeld, the Nazi officer who saved Władysław Szpilman, the pianist from Roman Polanski’s remarkable film. Recent findings have revealed that over the course of the war Hosenfeld actually saved about sixty people, Jews and Poles alike. Before joining the Wehrmacht, Hosenfeld was principal of the school in the German village of Thalau, which is currently debating if he should be remembered as a local hero. Many residents would rather not deal with the questions his story raises about their past. Others want to commemorate Hosenfeld by naming the school after him. The passionate debate forces skeletons out of closets, reflecting conflicting ways that Germany deals with its past.
Partner: Warsaw Jewish Film Festival, Camera of David Foundation