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Bagel JCC for Children: What Are the Green Lungs of Cities? (PL)

29.06.2023 - 10:00 - 12:00 / JCC Krakow, 24 Miodowa St.

During the workshop we will get to know what connects trees and air, and the importance of trees for our life – what do we owe them and which are the most popular trees in Poland? Each participant will be able to create their own pot and plant a real tree in it.

Workshop led by Olga Lewińska and Michał Samulak

Space limited: 15 children or families (a parent and a child are counted as one person). First come, first served. Children under 8 years old must participate in this workshop with a parent. Children aged 8 and up may participate alone. This event is organized thanks to the financial support of the Ministry of Interior and Administration of the Republic of Poland