The Breath of Galicia in Prewar Synagogal Singing: The Music of Cantor Eliezer Goldberg
28.06.2023 - 12.00 / Galicia Jewish Museum, ul. Dajwór 18, KrakówLecture (PL)
Sylwia Jakubczyk-Ślęczka
A forgotten pre-war cantor who served the Kupa Synagogue in Kraków, among other places. Before taking this position, Eliezer Goldberg traveled all over Galicia, serving as a chazzan in various towns: from Krzemieniec in Volhynia to Złoczów, Brody, Jarosław, to Kraków. The experiences he gathered on the way resonated in his works so clearly that the Jews of Kraków called him Lejzerke Kremmienicer, or Eliezer Krzemieniecki.
Participants in this meeting will experience and learn about Goldberg’s wonderful and diverse musical world through the presentation and discussion of selected works.
Partner: Center for the Study on the History and Culture of Kraków Jews