Yiddish Songs from, about and for Ukraine
30.06.2023 - 13:00 / Synagoga Wysoka, ul. Józefa 38 (1st floor)Ukraine has been a home for Yiddish poets, songsters and writers for centuries, Jewish people lived next door to Ukrainians and their music interlocked in the villages and small towns (shtetlekh) and later also in large cities. Poets from Kiev, legendary underworld of Odessa and night songs from the neighbouring village – that is what we will explore in this class.
Sasha Lurje is a Yiddish singer and performer from Riga, Latvia. Her wide heritage ranges from Don Cossacks, to Ukrainian peasants, from Jewish intelegencia to hard-working shtetl jews. In her song choices, she tries to represent all the facets of her own background.Ukraina była przez wieki domem dla jidyszowych poetów, pieśniarzy i pisarzy. Żydzi mieszkali drzwi w drzwi z Ukraińcami i ich muzyka przenikała się nawzajem zarówno w sztetlach, jak też w dużych miastach. Kijowskie wiersze, odesskie pieśni i kołysanki z wiosek wypełnią nasze warsztaty śpiewu.